
Lib4RI News

  • Access to National Licences now Open to the Public 05.12.2016

    Access to National Licences now Open to the Public

    As academics, Lib4RI users have access to the Swiss national licences via the Lib4RI website since August 2016. Now they were made available to the public, too. The national licences comprise three online journal archives with more than two million scientific articles covering all subject areas.

  • News from DORA – DORA Empa is now live, too! 02.11.2016

    News from DORA – DORA Empa is now live, too!

    After DORA Eawag, the Digital Object Repository At Eawag, became publicly available at the end of the summer, we are happy to announce that DORA Empa, the Digital Object Repository At Empa, has now also seen the light of day!

  • Vacancies: Two Student Assistants for Data Revision (ca. 15 hours a week) 01.11.2016

    Vacancies: Two Student Assistants for Data Revision (ca. 15 hours a week)

    Lib4RI is migrating its bibliography to the new institutional repository, DORA . To ensure best data quality, we are in the process of reviewing, correcting and completing all bibliographic data. To assist us with this task, we are looking for two motivated students with computer literacy, interest in scientific literature management and a keen sense for accurate work. The two jobs are limited to a duration of three months – with the possibility of an extension. Details for these jobs can be found in the job announcement.

  • Update - Lib4RI Training Series: Searching & Managing Scientific Information 13.10.2016

    Update - Lib4RI Training Series: Searching & Managing Scientific Information

    The first sessions of our introductory course «Searching & Managing Scientific Information» are well on their way. Again we are pleased about the lively interest in our autumn training series, with more than 120 registrations so far, and take this opportunity to say thank you.

  • Trial Access: MethodsNow 04.10.2016

    Trial Access: MethodsNow

    From October 10th on, Lib4RI users have the chance to test the new CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society) product «MethodsNow». «MethodsNow» is a database that contains step-by-step instructions for analytical methods from areas such as environmental science, material science and many more.

  • Proudly presenting…DORA 19.09.2016

    Proudly presenting…DORA

    We are delighted to announce that the new institutional repository DORA is now publicly available in its first version, DORA Eawag. At the time of writing, it contained 7,845 publications (1,188 of which with Open Access full texts) written by Eawag-affiliated authors. Over the next weeks we will upload articles from 2016 and other publication types such as books, book chapters and conference papers. We are also working on the migration of the bibliographies of Empa and WSL into their respective repositories: DORA Empa and DORA WSL (watch for announcements here).

  • Lib4RI Update #11 29.08.2016

    Lib4RI Update #11

    Our Newsletter «Lib4RI-Update #11» is now available! Get a print copy at the library or read the online version below.

  • Lib4RI Training Series: Searching and Managing Scientific Information 28.08.2016

    Lib4RI Training Series: Searching and Managing Scientific Information

    Autumn is at our doorsteps and so is our biannual introductory course «Searching & Managing Scientific Information» for PhD students and other affiliates of the 4 federal research institutes. The course is split into four individually bookable modules offered during Oct/Nov 2016.

  • 5 Years Lib4RI - Events 23.08.2016

    5 Years Lib4RI - Events

    For our fifth anniversary, we cordially invite the Lib4RI users to a series of four events. Alessandro Curioni, Donat Agosti and Jens Vigen, three outstanding scientists, will give talks on recent developments in scientific publishing and science itself. Furthermore, we have invited the Swiss author Sabine Reber for a reading from her novel «Im Garten der Wale».

  • National licenses – More content for everybody 14.08.2016

    National licenses – More content for everybody

    Since recently, Lib4RI users have had access to a substantial number of additional journal articles from the publishing houses Cambridge University Press (CUP), de Gruyter and Oxford University Press (OUP). This comprehensive content has been acquired as national licenses by the Consortium of the Swiss Academic Libraries within the framework of the SUK P-2 program: «Scientific information: accessing, processing and saving». Through these national licenses, Lib4RI users can access a much larger journal portfolio from the three publishers and the corresponding archives. The national licenses include more than 2 million journal articles and encompass the years 1770-2015 (CUP), 1826-2015 (de Gruyter) and 1895- 2015 (OUP). The recent volumes of the most significant journals were already available for Lib4RI users before the acquisition of the national licenses.

  • Team «Publication Services» is now complete! 24.07.2016

    Team «Publication Services» is now complete!

    Since 15th of July, upon arrival of its latest members, Niels Kistler and Daniel Perez, the newly founded team «Publication Services» is finally complete. Its members, Claudia Berger, Jochen Bihn, Silvia Jost, Niels Kistler, Laura Konstantaki, Veronika Müller-Vargas and Daniel Perez (group leader) will provide services around the publishing process for scientists of the four research institutes, Eawag, Empa, PSI and WSL.

  • New Product: Energate Messenger Schweiz 20.07.2016

    New Product: Energate Messenger Schweiz

    Lib4RI is pleased to announce access to the online portal energate messenger Schweiz. The database offers daily news on the energy sector in Switzerland as well as essential price and market data for electricity, gas, oil, coal and CO2. For full access to the market data and the daily newsletter a login is required.

  • Trial Access to Karger E-Journals 19.07.2016

    Trial Access to Karger E-Journals

    A trial to the Karger E-Journals complete collection has been set up recently. Karger is a scientific publishing company from Basel, offering more than 100 journals covering all disciplines of human medicine.

  • New e-Book catalogue 23.06.2016

    New e-Book catalogue

    Today we launched the Lib4RI E-Book Catalogue. In this new catalogue you will find (almost) all of our 220,000 licensed and purchased e-books. This is a great improvement as up to now only a modest proportion of our e-books have been visible in the NEBIS catalogue. Furthermore, we can keep the new e-book catalogue up-to-date on a day-to-day basis and all e-books contained are actually accessible for the Lib4RI users.

  • SpringerMaterials extended by Corrosion Database 22.06.2016

    SpringerMaterials extended by Corrosion Database

    Besides the well-known Landolt-Börnstein database and other resources, such as the Linus Pauling files, Springer has recently also included the Corrosion Database into SpringerMaterials.

  • New resource category: Protocols 21.06.2016

    New resource category: Protocols

    The resources in this new product category Protocols on our website have already been available for Lib4RI users, but by creating a new entry in the drop-down list «Resources» we wanted to increase their visibility and discoverability. The list includes cookbook-style protocols for experiments and analytical methods that did not fit into any of the existing categories on our products list.

  • Become a real football expert with Lib4RI 07.06.2016

    Become a real football expert with Lib4RI

    Were you always wondering about the spin of the ball of Christiano Ronaldo’s free kicks? Is it possible to calculate the outcome of the European Championship statistically? Are they still playing with leather balls and shoes? How do I take the perfect soccer picture?

  • Our Lib4RI & friends team successfully completed the SOLA-Stafette 22.05.2016

    Our Lib4RI & friends team successfully completed the SOLA-Stafette

    For the first time, Lib4RI took part last Saturday at the SOLA-Stafette with a «Lib4RI & friends team» to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Lib4RI. This was already the 43rd edition of the SOLA-Stafette, the traditional team run in and around Zurich.

  • SciFinder Workshop: Wed, 18 May 2016 at PSI Villigen 19.04.2016

    SciFinder Workshop: Wed, 18 May 2016 at PSI Villigen

    The library Lib4RI invites interested researchers from Eawag, Empa, PSI and WSL to join this free SciFinder workshop held by Dr Philippe Kamalaprija, a representative for CAS (ACS International).

  • Update - Lib4RI Training Series: Searching & Managing Scientific Information 10.04.2016

    Update - Lib4RI Training Series: Searching & Managing Scientific Information

    The first sessions of our introductory course «Searching & Managing Scientific Information» are well on their way. We are pleased about the lively interest in our spring training series, with more than 100 registrations so far, and take this opportunity to say thank you.

  • Product News: Trans Tech Publications E-books 17.03.2016

    Product News: Trans Tech Publications E-books

    Trans Tech Publications (TTP) is a small Swiss based publisher which focuses on material science and engineering. Lib4RI has been successfully offering all periodicals from TTP to our users in the last years. Now we have also acquired the «Material Science Foundations» e-books from TTP to add even more high quality content to our TTP portfolio. This book series comprises 62 ebooks from 1998-2016. The e-books can be found at:

  • Lib4RI Update #10 29.02.2016

    Lib4RI Update #10

    Our Newsletter «Lib4RI-Update #10» is now available! Get a print copy at the library or read the online version below.

  • Lib4RI Training Series: Searching & Managing Scientific Information 24.02.2016

    Lib4RI Training Series: Searching & Managing Scientific Information

    Spring is almost there and so is our biannual introductory course «Searching & Managing Scientific Information» for PhD students and other affiliates of the 4 federal research institutes. The course is split into four individually bookable modules offered during April 2016.

  • Publish Open Access at no cost in any RSC or ECS journal 10.02.2016

    Publish Open Access at no cost in any RSC or ECS journal

    As in previous years, we received a batch of Open Access vouchers from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). Along with an increase in subscription prices, the number of vouchers increased from 12 to 20. The vouchers let researchers at Eawag, Empa, WSL & PSI publish their paper in any RSC journal as an Open Access article at no charge. Vouchers are only valid for articles accepted in 2016 and are distributed on a first-come/first-serve basis.

  • New in 2016: Journals 21.01.2016

    New in 2016: Journals

    In 2016 we can offer you variousnew journal packages, two of which have been set up on a trial basis:

  • Already Five Years? Yes, Indeed. 20.01.2016

    Already Five Years? Yes, Indeed.

    It’s already been 5 years since the libraries of the four Swiss federal research institutes Eawag, Empa, PSI and WSL merged into Lib4RI on the 1 January 2011. We would like to take this opportunity to shortly look back and to thank all Lib4RI users, the Lib4RI steering committee and the board of directors of the four research institutes for their continued support and confidence in the last five years.