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In 2016 we have significantly expanded our collection of reference works:
Furthermore, Lib4RI has access to the new database Phase Equilibria Diagrams Online, published by the American Ceramics Society (ACerS) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (more detail).
The new selection of e-books include the following:
This year Lib4RI is using two relatively new acquisition models to expand its e-book collection significantly. What the two models have in common is that all content or relevant collections of a publisher is accessible to the library user throughout the year without actually being purchased by the library. With the Evidence-Based Acquisition model (EBA) the library selects books which should remain permanently accessible only after the end of the year and for a previously arranged sum of money, typically based on usage statistics. In the Patron-Driven (or Demand-Driven) Acquisition model (PDA), however, the purchase is automatically triggered by the user (through repeated use of the document) up to the amount agreed to in advance and is, hence, not entirely determined by the library. The advantage of both these models is, apart from the wide range of titles available, that in the end the library only acquires those books where there is clear evidence of usage.
In this way, we can offer you access to:
Should you encounter access problems or have any questions about our e-books, reference works and databases, we would be pleased to assist you. We also highly value your feedback on our new products. Please contact us at @email.