Faster from Citation to Full Text

Dr. Maura Vonmoos, Laura Tobler, Andreas Strupler

A click on the Get-it-at-Lib4RI button is the shortest way to the full texts of articles.

Lib4RI has improved the access to full texts of scientific articles. With the help of a link resolver, references in databases (e.g. Scopus and Web of Science) are now linked more comprehensively with the resources and services of the library. You will immediately notice the changes to the design of the «Get It» menu. But the improvements go far beyond the surface. We have activated the «Get It» button in numerous databases and tailored the service to meet the needs of users at Eawag, Empa, PSI and WSL. Henceforth an accurate and current reference to Lib4RI’s holdings for each and every journal will be shown.

A click on the Get-it-at-Lib4RI button will provide you with a menu of options for obtaining access to the article cited.

When you follow a «Get It» link, the Lib4RI link resolver will automatically check to see if we have access to an electronic version of the article you want and, if so, provide a link directly to the article. In the case of a few publishers, however, the button click will only lead to the homepage of the journal.

And if the full text is not available?

If access is not possible, a PDF of the article may be ordered directly via NEBIS or our document delivery service. The link to NEBIS leads to the journal entry in the catalogue. You obtain an overview of the journal holdings in the NEBIS libraries and, as an employee of the four research institutes, may order a cost-free PDF of the scanned article.

If the desired article is neither available as an electronic full text nor in the collection of the NEBIS libraries, you may order a PDF of the article via our document delivery service. The bibliographical data of the article is automatically transferred into the online form. You only have to add your name and email address.

Journal List

In addition, a list of all the journals licensed by Lib4RI is offered via the link resolver. It can be searched on our website via the searchbox or found under Resources > Journals. This list also contains Open Access journals from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), as well as other selected Open Access journals. Currently our journals list covers more than 14,000 journals, each with a direct link to the full text and information on the years available, ordering possibilities, etcetera.

The integration of our link resolver into databases and on the websites of publishers is a work in progress. If you have questions about this service or encounter any access problems, we are happy to receive feedback via the form in the «Get It» menu or directly per email at @email.