Updated LLMs & AI tools page


AI driven language processing tools are becoming more relevant in the scientific writing world, with new tools emerging all the time. We have updated and expanded our information page about LLMs, AI tools and scientific writing page into a collection of FAQs to try to keep up with the developments. The page aims at giving an overview of the most prevalent questions in the form of a living document.

To the updated LLMs & AI tools information page

Our updated information page tries to answer questions surrounding generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, discusses which tools are available specifically for the scientific writing process, highlights some advantages and risks of working with such AI based tools, explains some of the most important terms, and tries to give an overview of information from institutions and publishers.

As this interesting field is so broad and developing quickly, it is unfortunately impossible to cover everything. We are, however, constantly working on improving and adding more content and information.

If you have any question, comment or interesting resource to share with us, please do not hesitate to contact us any time!