Open Access Week 2018: Get involved!

Rainer Rees, Laura Konstantaki

This year’s topic for the Open Access Week is all about “open” being the standard and not the exception anymore. Many European funding agencies have recently joined the cOAlition S and are part of the initiative Plan S. The aim of Plan S is to make all publications funded by public money Open Access (OA) by 2020. The OA strategy of Swissuniversities aims to make OA the standard by 2024, whereas the SNF has set the timeframe to 2020, as well. However, there is a major difference between the national and the European OA policies and this is actually the main reason for SNF not to join Plan S: The SNF’s and Swissuniversities’ OA policies do explicitly allow the Green Way of Open Access, while Plan S does not support it.

Green OA is the option to publish in a subscription based journal first and make the publication freely available via an (institutional) repository later. Mostly, there is an embargo period of 6-12 months and one has to use the accepted version without the publisher’s layout. However, Green OA has a big advantage for scientists and funders: It is for free and every scientist can afford it. Publishing an article Gold OA costs money (Article Processing Charge, APC) that either the funders, the institutions or scientists have to pay.

The SNF released a new, stricter OA policy this spring, but they opened a new fund for the support of OA publications and they eased the OA grant application process. If you would like to apply for additional OA funding for publications emerging from SNF projects you can have a look here.

Sending the accepted versions of your past and recent articles to our institutional repository DORA has several advantages: You comply with many funders’ policies, the visibility of your research increases and you support the OA movement for free. Currently, already 30 % of the more than 41.000 publications in DORA are OA. Most of them are published versions, but we also collected already 635 accepted versions for Eawag, Empa and WSL, this number growing day by day. With the launch of DORA PSI next spring, this number is going to increase greatly. Send your accepted versions to us by filling our online form for Eawag , for Empa or for WSL. Keep in mind: you can still register for our training module on Open Access & Copyright to learn more about these topics.

Should you have any questions about Open Access do not hesitate to contact us at @email. If you have any questions about DORA please contact us at @email.