New Reference Works & E-Books

Dr. Jochen Bihn, Laura Tobler & Dr. Lothar Nunnenmacher

When Google fails to provide you with answers to your questions, our fine selection of important reference works for many research areas might help: You can browse them on our webpage Resources > Reference. Is something missing here? Tell us!

Our reference works and e-books can all be found in NEBIS recherche – easily available via the books option in our searchbox. In NEBIS recherche just click on the «Online resource» tab of a book record to check the availability.

We have added the following e-books and electronic reference works to our collection:

The E-Book collections from CRC have been extended to include 2012 publications. Some new additions to this collection:

Comprehensive Nuclear Materials, a new reference work from Elsevier:
This five-volume reference work discusses the major classes of materials suitable for usage in nuclear fission, fusion reactors and high power accelerators, and for diverse functions in fuels, cladding, moderator and control materials, structural, functional, and waste materials. The work addresses the full panorama of contemporary international research in nuclear materials, from Actinides to Zirconium alloys, from the worlds’ leading scientists and engineers.

DWA Rules and Standards online
Full text of technical rules and standards of the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste. To gain access, you need to register a personal account with DWA. Further information about the registration here.