Lib4RI-Update #36: Search Tool & DORA


Get quick information on publishing Open Access 

The Lib4RI Search Tool bundles information from many sources. Additionally, it provides Open Access (OA) information on the level of individual journals. In the tab "Journals" you will find an initial, comprehensive overview of the options to publish OA and links to further information. To our knowledge, including this information in the discovery tool is a unique feature. The Search Tool is our own development and we are constantly working on improving it. In the latest release, we implemented highlighted tabs and a better visual presentation in the tab "Journals". Furthermore, we now also present information on current states of OA negotiations with the publishers, and a direct link to OA fund information for SNSF projects.

Where to find OA Info

DORA reaches a major milestone 

The institutional repositories in DORA now contain more than 100'000 publications, of which more than 50'000 are Open Access (OA). The repositories are now (almost) complete with all publications back to 2006, making it an internal archive of all publication output from the research institutes and it can be used as a bibliography. 

DORA is not just a database, but Lib4RI has created a service around the publications from the four research institutes. Lib4RI does not wait for submissions but uses an alert system to proactively enter new publications into DORA and enrich them with all available metadata. The only thing the library does not have access to is the accepted version of the journal articles, which researchers still have to submit to DORA for the green road of OA. 

Full texts in DORA are indexed in Google and Google Scholar, and you can even find links to Open Access versions of publications hosted on DORA in Web of Science and Scopus. We recorded almost one million downloads in 2023. DORA therefore increases the visibility of publications and thus that of authors and institutions. 

Overall, around 50% of all publications in DORA are OA. However, this proportion has increased dramatically in recent years (see graph below). With well over 80% of all journal articles being OA, the research institutes achieve top results in the Swiss OA Monitor.

Publications in the institutional repositories in DORA per year. Data for 2024 are preliminary. Data source:

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Tip: Automatically update your institutional page from DORA 

You can easily integrate publication lists from DORA into a webpage for departments, groups or individual researchers. This saves you from recording your publications twice. Integrated publication lists are updated daily. Learn more

More changes to come! 

During the last year, we put a lot of effort in designing a new DORA. We expect to launch the new version in the coming year. We will keep you updated on our website and via the Lib4RI Update.