Lib4RI-Update #19: Publish Open Access in Elsevier journals free of charge


At Elsevier, corresponding authors of Swiss research institutes can make most of their articles available Open Access for the next three years at no extra cost. This is possible because swissuniversities and Elsevier have reached a memorandum of understanding for both reading access to journals and Open Access publishing last December (see Lib4RI Update #18 and swissuniversities’ press release ). After the negotiations with Springer Nature failed, the publisher announced preliminary access to newly published journal content until end of March 2020.

With immediate effect, researchers at Eawag, Empa, PSI and WSL can publish Open Access (OA) in over 2000 journals from Elsevier at no additional cost. These include hybrid and full OA journals, representing 75 % of all Elsevier journals (see full list of applicable Elsevier journals). Articles with a corresponding author from any of the ETH Domain’s four research institutes (or any Swiss university) are eligible for a full discount on the article processing charges (APCs). This applies to all articles submitted between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2023, independent of the date of acceptance or publication. To publish OA in an applicable Elsevier journal, a corresponding author must simply follow the steps provided in Elsevier’s acceptance email (for more details see Open Access Discounts). A few non-applicable Elsevier journals may continue to charge full OA publishing fees to authors – in this case, we recommend going for green OA instead.

Read the rest of the article in our new Lib4RI-Update #19.

See also: Lib4RI-Update archive