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Yesterday, swissuniversities announced the outcome of the Open Access negotiations with publishing powerhouses Elsevier, Wiley and Springer Nature (see press release). With Elsevier and Wiley, they extended the current subscription contracts and signed «memoranda of understanding» for «read and publish» deals. With Springer Nature, no agreement of any kind was reached.
With Elsevier and Wiley, the negotiation group mandated by swissuniversities reached transitional subscription agreements for 2020. Researchers will keep access to all their journals. The current contract with Elsevier was extended to March 2020, the one with Wiley to December 2020. Both Elsevier and Wiley signed a «memorandum of understanding» for «read and publish» deals for the periods after that.
The negotiations between Springer Nature and swissuniversities concluded without any Open Access (OA) deal or temporary agreement. The talks will continue in 2020. It is likely that researchers in Switzerland will lose direct access to Springer Nature articles published from 2020 onwards. Researchers will certainly keep post-cancellation access to all licensed Springer Nature articles published before 2020 though.
Read the rest of the article in our new Lib4RI-Update #18.
See also: Lib4RI-Update archive