Update - Lib4RI Training Series: Searching & Managing Scientific Information

Stephanie Hofmann & Bobby Neuhold

Again we are very happy about the lively interest in our spring training series, with a record 170 registrations so far, and take this opportunity to say a very big thank you.

At the same time, we would also like to announce that due to the high demand in our LaTeX courses, we are offering an additional session for «Module 5 – LaTeX for Scientific Writing» on Thu, 31 May 2018.

So, if you haven’t already done so, take your chance and register for one or more of our modules offered:

  • In module 1, «Searching Scientific Information», you become skilled in finding relevant scientific information using suitable tools offered by Lib4RI.
  • In module 2, «Scientific Publishing: From Writing to Sharing», you receive tips on how to prepare, write, publish and share your scientific articles, including information about the review and publication process.
  • In module 3, «Open Access & Copyright», you become acquainted with the principles of Open Access (OA) and learn how to deal with copyright questions related to scientific works.
  • In module 4, «Literature Management with Endnote», you get introduced to scientific literature management using Endnote (MS Word).
  • In module 5, «LaTeX for Scientific Writing», you are given confidence in using LaTeX for your publications, and learn how to cite properly using BibTeX. Please note: this course is for LaTeX beginners.
  • In module 6, «Work on Your Own Project», you work on your own literature project receiving indicivdual assistance.

A detailed course description is available here.

Note: Modules 1-3 are offered at Eawag-Empa Dübendorf, PSI Villigen and WSL Birmensdorf. Modules 4-6 will take place at Eawag-Empa Dübendorf, modules 5 & 6 also at PSI.

Every session is open to all members of the 4 research institutes, PhD students and other new researchers are particularly invited. On request, students attending four or more modules will receive a recommendation for 1 ECTS credit point. More details incl. dates, venues and online registration can be found on Lib4RI’s training website.