Searchbox Update: InCites Journal Citation Reports

Dr. Rainer Rees, Dr. Bobby Neuhold

We have again updated the searchbox on our website. This time we have integrated Thomson Reuters’ InCites Journal Citation Reports (JCR), which is now directly searchable via the searchbox. JCR provides journal impact factors and other journal metrics for more than 11,800 journals from the science edition (SCI) and the social science edition (SSCI). The new journal impact factors for 2014 were released last week. The newly implemented visualization in JCR shows the connectivity in journal citation networks and allows direct access to journal information.

To use JCR from our website you can enter the name of a journal in the search slot on our homepage, conduct a search and choose “Journal Citation Reports” in the searchbox at the right. Unfortunately the search in JCR is rather case-sensitive, so you will get no results if you do not use either the full name of a journal (including prepositions and conjunctions) or the JCR journal abbreviation. The old version of the JCR is still available, but not listed anymore in our search box.

The journal in the example above is the “Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology” which is new in our journal portfolio and will be available soon from our website. It is listed in the 2014 JCR for the first time.

We highly appreciate your feedback on our searchbox and the integration of the InCites Journal Citation Reports via @email.