Quota for Open Access in Wiley and ACS Journals reached

quota reached
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We would like to inform researchers that the annual quota for Open Access in Wiley and ACS journals for the year 2023 has been reached. As a result, accepted articles to Wiley and ACS journals are no longer published Open Access, as per the agreements.

The next opportunity to benefit from the Open Access quota for Wiley and ACS will be available again for articles accepted from January 2024. We understand that this situation is less than ideal, but it is essential to note that this limitation has been imposed by the publishers during the negotiation process, affecting all participating institutions in Switzerland.

For the remainder of 2023, Wiley and ACS no longer offer the option to publish Open Access under the agreement. Instead, authors will be notified to either pay an Open Access APC or publish their article as closed access. The APC for Wiley is based on the Wiley OA APCs price list, whereas the APC for ACS is set at $3,000.

Even if the quota has been exhausted, there are still alternatives for Open Access publishing. We strongly recommend that authors publish articles in Wiley and ACS hybrid journals as closed access and subsequently make the article Open Access in DORA. Authors are allowed to make the accepted version of their articles Open Access in DORA after an embargo of 12 months for both ACS and Wiley (refer to our search bar for individual journals - exceptions to longer embargo period possible). - All you need to do is to submit the accepted version of your article to DORA!

If you have any questions about the agreement or Open Access publishing, please contact us at @email.

See also the page with the Open Access agreements for researchers at Eawag, Empa, PSI, & WSL.