Open Access vouchers available for RSC journals

Dr. Jochen Bihn & Dr. Lothar Nunnenmacher

The RSC’s (Royal Society of Chemistry) Gold for Gold initiative enables researchers to publish Open Access articles in any RSC journal without paying the normal Open Access publication fee (between £1’000 and £2’500). As a subscribing institution to RSC Gold, the library Lib4RI has received 12 vouchers that let researchers at Eawag, Empa, WSL & PSI publish their paper in an RSC journal as an Open Access article at no charge. The article will then be available on the RSC website to any reader even if they don’t have a subscription or access through a library. Authors are also allowed to deposit the PDF of the final published article immediately in an institutional repository or via their personal website.

How do I get a voucher?

To be considered for an Open Access publishing voucher, the corresponding or the first author of the article must be affiliated with Eawag, Empa, WSL or PSI. Furthermore, your article has to be accepted for publication in an RSC journal , i.e. the article has not been published already and it has received final approval for publication. Timing is essential!

The distribution of the vouchers is overseen by the library Lib4RI. To request a voucher code, send an e-mail to the library (@email), including correspondence from RSC documenting acceptance of the article and showing the name of the author(s), journal title, and article title.

We will then provide you with a voucher code that you need to enter in the Gold for Gold online acceptance form. Whilst the article is being copyedited, typeset and proofread, the voucher code will be authenticated. Upon publication the paper will be accessible to all as an Open Access paper.

Due to limited numbers, the library will distribute the voucher codes on a first-come/first-serve basis. Please also note that you need to redeem the voucher code before 31 December 2013.

Questions? Please contact Jochen Bihn (@email or 058 765 5228).