New: Wildlife and Ecology Studies Worldwide

Dr. Jochen Bihn & Dr. Maura Vonmoos

The bibliographic database «Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide» was formerly only available at the WSL, but now is also available for user at Eawag, Empa & PSI.

«Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide» (EBSCO) indexes and abstracts literature on wild mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians from journals, monographs, conference proceeding, government documents, and other hard-to-find literature. Coverage (1935 to the present) includes studies of individual species, habitat types, hunting, economics, wildlife behavior, management techniques, diseases, ecotourism, zoology, taxonomy and much more.

Most of the records in this database are from Wildlife Review Abstracts, formerly Wildlife Review, which until 1996 was a print publication produced by the U.S. National Biological Service. It also includes the databases of the Swiss Wildlife Information Service (SWIS) maintained by Wildtier Schweiz.

Outside of WSL you need a login and password to access the database, which you can find here.