New Resources 2015: Databases, Reference Works & E-books

Rainer Rees, Maura Vonmoos, Jochen Bihn, Lothar Nunnenmacher

We have significantly expanded our collection of electronic resources for 2015. Additionally, we have arranged test trials with several publishers to introduce some promising products. New on offer from 2015 on are the following products:

New databases & reference works

Science evaluation tools

Three new databases from Thomson Reuters are available via the Web of Science platform:

  • InCites: a tool for citation-based research evaluation; besides the actual number of cites it includes the number of expected citations at the level of subject area and journal title in a particular year. To use this database you will need to log in using an existing Thomson Reuters account or register for a new account.
  • InCites Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Journal Impact Factors and other journal metrics for almost 11,000 journals. This new version of the JCR lets you conduct analysis and comparisons of citation relationships across journals and categories over time. The old version of the JCR is still available here .
  • Essential Science Indicators Ranks the top 1% of authors, institutions, countries and journals across 22 broad disciplines using citation data.

Users are advised not to rely too heavily on the reports of these databases without fully understanding the meaning of the measures and of the datasets provided.

New e-book collections

The e-book-collections from the publishing houses de GruyterElsevierIOPIWA PublishingKnovelOECDSpringer and Wiley were complemented with the new releases for 2015.

Should you encounter access problems or have questions concerning our electronic resources, please do not hesitate to contact us at @email. What do you think about the new products and trials? We highly value your feedback.