New organic chemistry databases on trial: e-EROS & RxnFinder

Laura Tobler

Effective immediately and available until the end of 2013, we are pleased to offer trial access to the Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis (e-EROS) and to RxnFinder.

The high quality reviewed content of e-EROS (over 4,500 reagents and catalysts) combined with useful examples including complete reactions and information tools assist you with your research and lab work.

Dip into RxnFinder with its over 1.7 million reactions from 1990 to present. Explore the extra tools and inform us if you think it might be an interesting addition to the similar databases, Reaxys and SciFinder, we have already licensed.

Please also note that trial access to the spectral database SpecInfo expires on the 31st of December 2013. Don’t miss the opportunity to send us your feedback to