New: All Licensed E-books Accessible via NEBIS

Stephanie Hofmann & Bobby Neuhold

All our licensed e-books (some 400’000 titles) are now listed in the NEBIS catalogue. A new technical implementation allowed the integration of the corresponding metadata via an SFX-pipe. Open Access titles are also included and indicated in NEBIS accordingly. We thank the NEBIS network and the ETH Library for making this possible.

With a single search query in the Lib4RI-Searchbox, you can find any of our e-books as well as printed copies included in the NEBIS catalogue. This facilitates and accelerates the search process (despite some duplicates) and makes Lib4RI’s former e-book catalogue obsolete.

For the past few years, we have gradually been adapting our acquisition strategy towards demand-driven models such as «Evidence Based Acquisition» (EBA) and «Patron Driven Acquisition» (PDA), allowing you to select your preferred titles from a substantially increased e-book portfolio.

Please remember: For access to licensed content, you need to be within your institute’s network.

Should you have any questions regarding our e-books don’t hesitate to contact @email.