Love Data Week 2025

During the international Love Data Week we celebrate the beauty of open research data. Join us in the week from 10. - 14. February and spread the love!

In 2025, Lib4RI contributes five online coffee lectures to the Swiss schedule. Our focal topic is tools which support you in organizing, analysing and publishing your data in a clean and reproducible manner. Check out the Lib4RI schedule below for brief descriptions of each coffee lecture.

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#LDW25 @ Lib4RI

  • Speaker: Moushumi Ulrich-Nath (Lib4RI)

    Do you want to improve and transform your research data management? Join us for a webinar introducing the Data Management Campus!  

    What is it?  

    • Interactive eLearning modules and open training resources on Open Research Data (ORD) and Research Data Management (RDM) 

    Why join? 

    • Learn about our first module on Data Publication and Long-Term Preservation. 

    • Discover how to access, contribute, and shape the future of research data excellence. 

    Whether you’re a curious researcher or a data management enthusiast, come explore our collaborative ETH Domain initiative designed to  support you throughout your research data journey! 

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  • Speaker: Janina Radny (Lib4RI)

    Quarto is an powerful tool for data analysis and publishing, offering seamless integration with R, Python, and Julia. It enables the creation of dynamic, reproducible reports with embedded code, visualizations, and rich narratives all in one document. With Quarto, you can easily publish interactive documents or websites, facilitating a smooth collaboration process and instant sharing of your work. The platform ensures a clean workflow, allowing for integration with version control tools like Git and making your analysis fully traceable. Additionally, Quarto is open-source, free to use, and supports a wide variety of output formats, including HTML, PDF, and slides, giving you flexibility in presenting your results. 

    In this coffee lecture we give a brief first look, using R and RStudio. 

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  • Speaker: Stefanie Hauser (Empa)

    In 2020, openBIS was introduced at Empa, making it accessible to all departments and available for testing. This platform, provided by ETH Scientific IT Services (SIS), combines an electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) with a laboratory information management system (LIMS). Despite careful preparation, we encountered unexpected barriers, showing that changing existing systems requires more than tools—it demands effort, education, and sometimes a shift in mindset. In this presentation, I’ll highlight the challenges we encountered and the strategies we use to overcome them, paving the way for digitalized laboratory workflows. 

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  • Speaker: Elisabet Capon Garcia (Swiss Data Science Center)

    Data-centric research requires sharing not only the data, but also the code and computational environments needed to process and analyze the data. In this talk, we will present Renku, an open-source platform that empowers transparency, collaboration, and reusability in all types of data-centric research. In Renku projects, researchers connect their assets, namely data and code with computational environments, all in one place. These assets are designed to be reusable from the start, so they can be shared, reused and traced between projects. Since Renku projects are interactive in the browser, they are easily shared with anyone to make collaboration smoother. Overall, Renku supports the research lifecycle of data-centric projects, from day-to-day work to demonstration and publication.

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  • Speaker: Federico Cantini (Lib4RI)

    Tracking the changes you make to your code and uniquely versioning it is paramount to reproducibility. Keeping multiple branches of your code and being able to easily jump from one to another is useful for exploring different data processing or collaborating with others. Git does this for you easily and reliably. Whether you write complex software or simple scripts in your language of choice (R, Python, etc…), whether you are a lone code writer or part of a team, Git will make your life easier.

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All Swiss contributions

Even more is going on during the #LWD25! Under the roof of the Swiss Research Data Support Network, many Swiss universities and research facilities show their love for research data. 

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