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Want to share your screen? See the person you're talking to? Contact us via digital library desk! We will be with you shortly.
As of today, Lib4RI’s Standards Portal is presented in a new outfit. The user interface was adapted to the latest technology and should now be reading well on multiple devices. Search algorithms have been improved and context-aids have been added. Behind green triangles associated with your search results, you can now find direct links to all available full texts, or alternatively, order documents via the «Get it at Lib4RI» link resolver and our «Document Delivery Service».
This version change also improves some background functionality. This includes faster performance, simplification in the management and the possibility to attach multiple document versions such as translations to one record.
As before, fast access to Lib4RI’s Standards Portal is provided on our website via the «Quicklinks» menu and it is integrated in our searchbox (> More > Lib4RI Standards Portal). Further information including details on its content can be found at http://www.lib4ri.ch > Resources > Standards.
During the next couple of weeks, we will still do minor adjustments in the design. Do you have any suggestions or comments on the new version? We would highly appreciate your feedback under @email.