Keyword search

«Smart Keywords» enable you to search specific pages within any website right from the location bar / address bar by defining keywords.

After you have defined a smart keyword in your browser, the search with keywords is simple: you type in a smart keyword (e.g. «j» for a search in Lib4RI's journal list) and a search term (e.g. «PNAS») in the address bar and this resolves into the search for «PNAS» in the journal list. Below are step by step guides how you can enable smart keyword search for a search in Lib4RI's databases in Firefox and Google Chrome.

Enable keywords

    1. Visit and select a search option: Articles, Journals, Books or Institutes.
    2. Right-click on the search box and select «Add a Keyword for this Search …».
    3. The «New Bookmark» dialog appears. Enter a name for the bookmark and set a keyword for its quick access (e.g. «Lib4RI – Journals» and «j» as the keyword).
    4. Select the folder where you would like to save the bookmark and click OK.
    • To use the created smart keyword, enter the keyword and the search string in the address bar (e.g. «j PNAS») and then press «Enter».
    • Please note that you have to be on Lib4RI's homepage when adding the keywords and not on the search results page.
    • You can find more information on smart keywords at Firefox Help.
    1. Visit and select a search option: Articles, Journals, Books or Institutes.
    2. Right-click on the search box and select »Add as search engine …»
    3. The «Edit Search Engine» dialog appears. Enter a name for the search (e.g. «Lib4RI – Journals») and assign a keyword (e.g. «j»).
    4. Click «OK».
    • To use the created smart keyword, enter the keyword and the search string in the address bar (e.g. «j PNAS») and then press «Enter».
    • More information on Chrome's keyword search is available on the page How to search in Chrome.
  • Internet Explorer does not support keyword searches.
  • Tip 1: The key combination «CTRL + L» places the cursor in the address bar of your browser.
  • Tip 2: The search in our journal list works with automatic truncation. When searching for a journal you do not need to type the complete journal title. The first few letters of some title words are sufficient. For example, «phe mol» (the first few letters for «phenomena» and «molecular») will find the journal «Journal of inclusion phenomena and molecular recognition in chemistry».