The Electrochemical Society goes Open Access

Jochen Bihn

The Electrochemical Society (ECS) announces plans to migrate its 4 peer-reviewed journals to Open Access. As a first step toward this long-term goal, ECS gives authors the choice of making their articles Open Access under a Creative Commons licence. Usually, the Article Processing Charge is USD $800 per accepted article. However, all authors belonging to Eawag, Empa, PSI or WSL publish Open Access in any ECS journal for free! This is a special condition for authors from subscribing institutions for the duration of 2014.

ECS Journals:
Journal of The Electrochemical Society
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
ECS Electrochemistry Letters
ECS Solid State Letters

ECS Press Release: ECS Journals Take Their First Steps Toward Open Access
Further information from ECS: ECS and Open Access