Changes in the subscription to IEEE journals and proceedings

Dr. Rainer Rees-Mertins, Dr. Lothar Nunnenmacher

In 2015, Lib4RI will have a full subscription to the five most frequently used IEEE journals. These are: IEEE Transactions on Applied SuperconductivityIEEE Transactions on Nuclear ScienceIEEE Transactions on MagneticsIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing and the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. The subscription range of these five journals will go back to 2005, a distinct improvement compared to the current situation.

On the other hand, we cancelled our subscription to the IEEE Journals Library Plus effective as of the end of 2014. This subscription included access to all IEEE journals – however, restricted to a window of the last two years. And, there was a complicated file cabinet system coming with the subscription, that we already concluded last year to be far too expensive and unsatisfying for our needs.

All in all, you will probably have more required articles from IEEE available directly online. Should you, however, need an article from a non-subscribed IEEE journal, there are several ways to get it:

  • AIP and AVS journal articles can be accessed directly from the AIP website.
  • Many IEEE journals are available as print editions in one of the NEBIS libraries. As a member of Eawag, Empa, PSI or WSL you can order article copies from these journals free of charge (how to do this, see our Info #02 [PDF, 1.2 MB] ). PDFs of ordered articles are typically delivered via e-mail within 1-2 days.
  • Should you be unable to access an article by any of the options above, Lib4RI’s Document Delivery Team will obtain the document for you. This service is free of charge for you.
  • All these options are conveniently accessible via our link resolver within the search results on IEEE Xplore or in most other article databases.

If IEEE is an important knowledge base for you beyond the five journals mentioned above, it might be worth to do some literature search before 2014 ends. However, please do not systematically download IEEE articles, as this is illegal and will lead to the blocking of the access.

Please contact us at @email for any questions regarding our IEEE subscriptions.