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Through Lib4RI, you have access to a large number of databases. You can filter the list by topic or alphabetically and find a brief description of each of the databases.
The ICONDA®CIBlibrary database covers worldwide literature in the fields of building construction, construction engineering, architecture, city planning and property. ICONDA®CIBlibrary is a joint initiative by the International Council for Research and Innovation on Building and Construction (CIB) and Fraunhofer Information Center for Planning and Building IRB. It is the online repository for CIB and CIB related publications.
Open databaseThe ICSD contains inorganic crystal structures published since 1913, including their atomic coordinates. In particular, the database provides information on structural data of pure elements, minerals, metals, and intermetallic compounds; structural descriptors (Pearson symbol, ANX formula, Wyckoff sequences); bibliographic data; and synthesis conditions.
The content of ICSD goes through an ongoing re-evaluation and update procedure. Each year around 7,000 new structures are added while the existing content will be modified, complemented or duplicates are removed.
Detailed information on the ICSD may be found in the scientific manual.
Open databaseThe IEEE Xplore digital library is a resource for discovery of and access to scientific and technical content published by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and its publishing partners. Lib4RI provides access to many IEEE journals, magazines and transactions, IET journals and magazines, proceedings from IEEE and IET annual conferences, IEEE standards, and the backfiles for all titles.
Open databaseInCites is a tool for citation-based research evaluation; besides the actual number of cites it includes the number of expected citations at the level of subject area and journal title in a particular year. To use this database you will need to log in using an existing Web of Science account or register for a new account.
Open databaseEssential Science Indicators ranks the top authors, institutions, countries and journals across 22 broad disciplines using citation data.
Open databaseThe INIS (International Nuclear Information System) database is the leading resource for scientific literature on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology, and also includes the environmental and economic aspects of both nuclear and non-nuclear energy sources. The database contains over 3 million bibliographic records (journal articles, scientific and technical reports, conference papers, books, patents, theses, laws, regulations and standards, and web documents) from the 1970s through to the present. Full-text is provided for more than 250,000 documents of the grey literature (scientific and technical reports).
Open databaseCERN, DESY, Fermilab and SLAC have built the next-generation High Energy Physics (HEP) information system, INSPIRE. It combines the successful SPIRES database content, curated at DESY, Fermilab and SLAC, with the Invenio digital library technology developed at CERN. INSPIRE is run by a collaboration of CERN, DESY, Fermilab, IHEP, and SLAC, and interacts closely with HEP publishers, arXiv.org, NASA-ADS, PDG, HEPDATA and other information resources.
More information and an overview on the INSPIRE project can be found here.
Open databaseIPscreener is a tool designed to assist researchers explore the intellectual property landscape and discover the knowledge of hidden patents.
IPscreener uses artificial intelligence to provide access to a vast array of patent and trademark information, enabling researchers to validate innovation ideas, while avoiding spending resources reinventing existing technology. By providing comprehensive insights into the world of intellectual property, IPscreener can streamline the innovation process and help users keep up with the latest global industry trends. Please refer to the documentation for more details.
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