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Want to share your screen? See the person you're talking to? Contact us via digital library desk! We will be with you shortly.
Give us feedback on our services and share your thoughts to help us plan the library’s future! The survey is very brief and will only take 5-7 minutes to complete. Please find the survey here: English version / German version. The survey will be available until December 8.
Your participation in the survey is, of course, completely voluntary and all of your responses will be kept anonymous. However, there is also space for open comments and we will be pleased to answer them if you leave us your name and e-mail address. Anonymous comments will be answered in a report on the results.
The survey we are using is LibQUAL+®, an internationally used standard survey offered by the Association of Research Libraries. Until now, the participation rate for the survey is lower than expected. This is partly due to the character of the questionnaire and we would thus like to explain it in more detail here. The idea of the questionnaire is, that the participants rate the minimum level of service that they would find acceptable, the desired service level that you personally want and the perceived level of service (the one you believe our library currently provides) on a scale from 1-9. If you cannot rate a category you should chose N/A. We were well aware that the questionnaire is not as easy to fill in as others. However, the aspect of comparability weighted high for us and we choose the LibQUAL survey anyway. So please, do not let the questionnaire put you off and try to answer it!
Should you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us at @email.
Thank you in advance for taking the survey.